
The Secret to Fortune

Have you ever noticed that the most negative events and people can lead to the most positive outcomes.

In Greek mythology the negative was symbolised by the Goddess Nemisis and the positive by the Fortuna.

Hidden in this engraving is a secret of extraordinary power.

The artist Durer combined Nemisis and Fortuna in the one deity, he is saying:

‘If you can overcome your Nemisis, you gain fortune!’

So many times in my life this has been true.

The negative is not meant to defeat us but stimulate the Hero’s Journey.

Like the mould Will and I have experienced recently in our homes.

We have both had to rid ourselves of almost everything we own.

But this has lead to us finally living full time together, in a home free of clutter and without trying to cram in all our possessions into one house.

In Will’s home it has meant his kids had to move out and become more independent and gain the confidence associated.

We have now purchased together things we both really love and are truly associated with our joint needs.

I discovered the benefits of the oxygen chamber because I was seeking assistance for my health while I cleared out my home.

And now when we move back into our fully renovated home it will be completely mould free which will enormously enhance both of our health and well-being.

So we can find the benefit or fortune in anything so long as we are willing to go on the Hero’s Journey of transformation.

That is the point of the Nemisis to stimulate growth.

If we deny her she becomes our misfortune, if we embrace her the whole world becomes our oyster and us her pearl.

Big hugs and love to you


So if you would like to discover more of the 22 Secrets then come to the 22 Principles of Success Love and Happiness FREE 1 Day Event For more info CLICK HERE

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