Fatigued? It could be a good thing!

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A couple of weeks ago I was feeling super fatigued but I wasn’t unwell.

I didn’t have any motivation or inspiration, which is very unusual for me as normally I feel super excited and passionate.

But fortunately, even though I am not a doctor, I know enough about the adrenals to realise that I had gone from being wired (adrenal exhaustion) to tired (adrenal fatigue).

It doesn’t feel nearly as exciting but it is a good sign of adrenal healing.

When you have been super busy your adrenals get hyperactive, if you stay there too long you can burn out.

Then when you rest your adrenals take time to replenish and you feel very tired, this is how you know you were doing too much.

It can feel a bit like mild depression: you don’t feel motivated, you want to stay in bed, your feel like: ‘What’s the point?’

The best thing to do is stay in bed, if you can, or take it very easy with self-nurture. If it hasn’t been going on too long then a 1 to 4 days of rest and you will be feeling really great again.

If you don’t rest you can really create problems for your health with chronic illness.

Things I find help the process, as well as rest, are proper nutrition, chiro to make sure you are aligned and massage.

I also like to go to my chiro-kinesiologist she helps quicken my recovery by assisting the flow of messages from the nervous system to the organs and letting me know about any deficiencies, like iron deficiency, which I also had this time.

I then took my favourite iron supplement Floravital which is very bioavailable and I totally feel myself again. Yay!

Big hugs Pip


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