How to Create a Unicorn: Pip’s Intro Andrew Banks’ Event

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Last Thursday I had the most extraordinary experience.

I was asked to give a speech and introduce Andrew Banks. For those who don’t know, Andrew is a billionaire who is a respected Shark on Channel 10’s TV show Shark Tank.

Here is a photo of us having a grand time during my introduction of him.

He has a fabulous dry sense of humour and we had fun talking about his early acting career, his incredible achievements and his 44 year happy marriage!

The event was called: ‘How to Create a Unicorn’ so it seemed right up my alley!

Of course in this case a unicorn is a billion dollar start up like Airbnb or Uber.

But a Unicorn, even in business, means so much more than a company worth a huge amount of money.

It refers to something magical and that’s what I wanted to talk about.

So I thought you may be interested in the intro I wrote for the event as MC, which preceded my own speech.

Here it is, just as I said it!

“I am so excited to welcome you to How to Create a Unicorn with Andrew Banks and our other extraordinary speakers.

My expertise is in mindset and emotional intelligence and I have been invited to speak first because you can have all the best business strategies in the world and incredible opportunities but if you don’t have the motivation and confidence to implement change you won’t grow.

So, today I will be talking about how to beat procrastination because procrastination is the great killer of opportunity and productivity.

But before we launch into that . . . you have come to an event called ‘How to Create a Unicorn’ – so what exactly is a unicorn?

Now, I am sure you all know that in business a unicorn is a billion dollar start up.

But a quick search on Google will soon show you that it has become a term used to describe anything that is rare, beautiful and mythical.

Even Tinder has its own definition – for when you find ‘The One’ you fall in love with on a dating app – how rare!

I know Tinder has other definitions of unicorns too but we won’t go there!

But the key is that even in business a unicorn is not just a company that is worth a lot of money – there is something magical about it..

In fact, to be worth that sort of money, so quickly there has to be more going on than just a good idea with financial backing.

It has to be an idea that is inspiring, created by people who are passionate about what they do and want to contribute something revolutionary to our world.

Unicorn companies like Airbnb and Uber, no matter what you think of them or how controversial and disruptive they are,  give everyday people access to wealth and opportunities previously available to only the few. Making the impossible possible for millions of people.

The symbol of a unicorn asks us to reach for something more than the ordinary and the mundane.

It seeks to make dreams come true and magic happen.

It is a bridge that moves us from ideas to inspiration, drive to passion and connection to love.

But how do we cross that bridge? The difference between something like knowledge and wisdom is subtle yet powerful and not easy to grasp.

This is where the legend of the unicorn unlocks some incredible secrets.

You see, I have spent decades studying unicorn legends and symbols.

You may notice that it is even a part of our Evolve Now! logo because it symbolises magical transformation and healing.

And that’s what happens when people come to our course:

They come feeling trapped and leave free to fulfil their potential.

They come with a relationships in tatters and leave with a deep relationship with themselves.

They come feeling their lives are meaningless and leave finding passion and purpose.

So many people yearn for greater nobility in their lives but only see this happening in movies.

Our mission is to ensure people can make their dreams come true in their own lives and not just watch it on TV.

It is this quality that has so attracted me to this symbol.

So what is the legend? And what does it mean?

It was only a virtuous lady, virgin or maiden who could attract a unicorn.

Those who hunted for it with negative intentions could never find it.

We see it represented here in the The Lady and the Unicorn 12th Century tapestry.

The UNICORN represents your SOUL, the WOMAN your EMOTIONS and the LION your ability to take ACTION.

So this legend can be interpreted as meaning the unicorn of inspiration finds expression through the open heart of your emotions and is carried into action by the fiery passion of the lion with in us all.

So if you want to create a unicorn or a seemingly impossible dream in your own life, this is what you need to do.

This is also what I love about our speakers today, they all have that extra special magic that makes them stand out above and beyond the rest.

They are all their own unicorn which I suppose makes me the lady and that’s why I am the MC today!”

With love and light

PS: If you would like to find more ways to create magic in your life go to



Big hugs and love to you

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